The Yakima Indian tribe (not the nation) had one induvidual who stood out as a leader.
The story is told how Kamiakin's father was a Palouse Indian and his mother was a Yakima Indian. When
he became older he became friends with chiefs of other powerful tribes, including the chiefs for the Walla Walas
and Lookin Glass, the famouse Nez-Perce chief. His mother being a princess of the Yakimas he had status, and
many horses, a sign of wealth. Around 1840 the Yakimas recongnized him as a leader. It was then said
that he lead the Yakimas in the Yakima Indian War of 1855.
This war was basically over the land that the Yakimas and other tribes owned, the land that the
white men wanted. After many conferences Kamiakin united many of the tribes in the area and
was prepared to give his life for his land.